BGA Power Steering Pump Fits VW Transporter 1990-2003 1H0145157

BGA Power Steering Pump Fits VW Transporter 1990-2003 1H0145157
BGA Power Steering Pump Fits VW Transporter 1990-2003 1H0145157
BGA Power Steering Pump Fits VW Transporter 1990-2003 1H0145157

BGA Power Steering Pump Fits VW Transporter 1990-2003 1H0145157

We are an authorised distributor for BGA parts. Equivalent to Part Numbers: OE: 1H0145157, 7D0422155, 701422155F, 701422155E..

If you order before 12PM we'll dispatch same day from our UK warehouse. Petrol: 2.0, 2.5, 2.8 Diesel: 1.9 TD, 2.4 D, 2.5 TDi. Please see the products details below. OE: 1H0145157, 7D0422155, 701422155F, 701422155E, 074145157C DELCO REMY: DSP490 DSP4871 DSP487 TRW: JPR294 JPR254. Consequential loss and labour claims are not accepted.

Fast Dispatch On All Orders. All orders are dispatched from our UK warehouse.

Items must be unused and in their original packaging.
BGA Power Steering Pump Fits VW Transporter 1990-2003 1H0145157

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